Primary Teaching Resources for KS1 & KS2 English, Maths & Science
Featured Teaching Resources
Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle
Primary teaching resource for KS1
Year 1 Addition and Subtraction within 10 Bundle Year 1 maths programme of study - Number - addition and subtraction: Identify and represent numbers using...
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Measurement and Decimal Notation - KS2 Year 4 Maths Programme of Study - Measurement: Pupils build on their understanding of place value and decimal notation...
Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20 - Year 2
Primary teaching resource for KS1
Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds within 20 - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Number: recall and use addition and...
Following Instructions - Year 5 and 6
Following Instructions - Year 5/6 (35-slide PowerPoint-based lesson with 5 worksheets) This differentiated resource (gold, silver and bronze tasks) helps Year 5/6 children develop their...
Bonds to 100 (tens) - Year 2
Primary teaching resource for KS1
Bonds to 100 (tens) - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - Number: recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 fluently,...
Nutrition - Year 3
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Nutrition - Year 3 Year 3 science programme of study - Animals, including humans: identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount...
Money - Year 2
Primary teaching resource for Year 2 Maths
Money - Year 2 Year 2 maths programme of study - measurement: recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); combine amounts to...
Money - Year 3
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Money - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - measurement: add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using both £...
Add and Subtract Numbers Mentally - Year 3
Primary teaching resource for KS2
Add and Subtract Numbers Mentally - Year 3 Year 3 maths programme of study - Number - (addition and subtraction) Pupils should be taught to:...